HIFU: What Is It and What Are the Benefits?

Posted by - November 14, 2022

HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is a ground-breaking, non-invasive aesthetic procedure. It is used for skin tightening and has various advantages, including minimal downtime and no discomfort. HIFU treatments have recently been compared to facelifts. HIFU skin tightening has extremely comparable results to facelifts, but whether this new cosmetic therapy can outperform the decade-old facelifts remains

5 Must-Have Qualities Of A Reliable Physiotherapy Clinic In Singapore

Posted by - November 8, 2022

When you suffer from back pain due to hours and hours of sitting in the office or muscle and shoulder strains from carrying heavy boxes, where do you look for relief? A physiotherapist in Singapore can help you with everything that concerns musculoskeletal problems. Did your child obtain an injury from sports? A physiotherapist can

4 Effective Ways To Handle Knee Meniscus Tear Injury

Posted by - November 2, 2022

A meniscus tear is a painful (but common) knee injury experienced by many athletes. However, even non-athletes can also experience knee meniscus tears due to sudden rotation of the knee or forceful twists. Treatment for a meniscus tear in Singapore can cost up to a thousand dollars. However, there are a few things you can

What to Do in Case You Suffer from Severe Hand Injuries

Posted by - November 2, 2022

Have you ever been to a hand specialist in Singapore? Your hands help you do everything from cooking to sewing, lifting weights, eating, writing, and more. We use them in so many of our mundane, everyday activities that we almost forget their importance. What happens when we experience hand issues? We realise firsthand just how