5 Care After Amputation

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After the medical team that accompanies him is released, it is necessary to undergo an evaluation by the entire team to define the conduct of his treatment, the choice of his prosthesis, and his adaptation process. Each person is unique, and so are their solutions, so having a team by your side is essential. We separate some care that must be carried out at this first moment and are fundamental for your adaptation to the prosthesis like in prime care orthotics & prosthetics. It is worth remembering that you should always be accompanied by a trained professional.

  1. Muscle Strengthening:

It is essential to prepare all the muscles to receive your prosthesis which can be gotten in Custom Sport & Athletic Orthotics Solutions in Las Cruces, NM for example. The past exercises must be done at home, too, so that there is continuity in your pre-fitting process.

  1. Stump Bandaging

Bandaging is one of the essential processes in the phase that precedes the placement of the prosthesis. Fundamental, it is responsible for shaping the stump and collaborating to reduce swelling (edema) of the stump, keep it protected and reduce the tingling sensation. The professional accompanying you will indicate the sash model and how to perform the bandage. It is worth remembering that the band must maintain a firm pressure without tightening it too much so as not to reduce blood circulation in the region or cause discomfort and even pain.

3 – Scar Treatment

It is essential to massage the scar region to prevent complications such as adhesions, retractions, painful scars, and hypersensitivity that can make it difficult or even compromise the use of the prosthesis.

4 – Care For The Pain And Sensation Of The Phantom Limb

Phantom pain happens because, even after the amputation, we continue to feel pain, itching, and shock. The more you use the stump, the more information it will give your brain about the new shape and size of the member.

To lessen these sensations, you can:

  • Massage the stump with cream in all directions: from left to right; from top to bottom; diagonally
  • Use cold and warm water during the bath and sponges of different textures
  • Massage the stump gently with the towel when drying
  • Touch both limbs with eyes closed and compare the sensitivity
  • Use the mirror technique that you will learn in the treatment sessions

5 – Body Image Restructuring

This moment is significant for body distribution. The training must be done with your trusted professional through different activities and positions to restructure the image of your own body.

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